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The beginning of something new

As I sit on the eve of turning thirty eight I truly embrace a new year with open arms. It’s so easy on January first to have these grand ideas of how we will live the new year that lies ahead. The truth is a year can start at any point on any given day. From now on…. From this day forward.

So as I look back over thirty seven and look ahead to the next year; my arms are open and my eyes are set high and to the sky. This past year was a rough one for me. So much growth and change, but lots of growing pains accompany such growth. I heard someone say the other day that there are highs and lows and we learn from both. The point is it’s such a simple statement yet so powerful. Yes the highs are great and we embrace them and the lows can be incredibly low, but we learn so much more from them, at least I do. I’ve often joked that my life will always be difficult because I only learn the hard way. If there is a most difficult manner that is slow and painful… chances are that’s the path this girl is taking.

So here’s what the pain of changing in the thirty seventh year of existence brought for me. It’s ok to be flawed- your flaws are what make you, you. Be nice- to others of course, but seriously to yourself. If I treated others the way I treat myself I’d have zero friends and I mean zero! There is someone always listening and that someone is you. Let go; let go of the garbage that you’ve held onto for far too long. Remember what makes you uniquely you. God created each and every one of us with gifts and talents that are unique. Not all of us are good at the exact same things so embrace your gifts and talents and share them. Believe; believe in yourself, your dreams, in others, and that anything is possible. Love truly does conquer all especially when you decide to love yourself. Not when you lose 10 pounds or quit that disgusting habit that your holding onto. Love yourself as you are, as you stand. It’s ok to be afraid, but do things scared anyway. You will never grow if your not pushing yourself to new heights and reaching for scary new goals. Renew your mind daily!!!!! This one is so very very important and the hinge that all the rest came from. If you are not putting new things in there you are recycling a whole bunch of garbage over and over and over again.

So as I look to thirty eight am I where I wanted to be? No, I am not, however I am learning to have peace that the one who created me has a plan for me. That the pain that I hold from my failures, from my moments of insecurity, from the lies I choose to believe along the way are useless and no longer serve me. So I release them. I let it all go. Simple Abundance, search for the beauty in the little moments that seek us each day. I just want to live a life of gratitude and love. I want to share my journey because if even only one benefited from it, or my story helped unlock another’s cage, then any ridicule or fear far outweighs the risks. This has been on my heart for some time but I”ve been afraid. I didn’t go to college. I’m smart but not educated. Who am I to write or even dare start a blog?!?! Scary to say the least. I’m done with the lies and the fear. So what that I'm not the smartest person on the planet. I don’t have to be…. Someone else already filled those shoes. I want to share my journey from soggy deep in my soul to crunchy and vibrant. So here it is the birth of soggy to crunchy. A project that has been on my heart for about a year. It’s a place to share the journey from not healthy in my mind, body, spirit, house, diet, need I go on? I want to find a simpler way to live and I want to share that journey. So cheers to thirty eight. Thanks to being here with me.

All my light and love,

Tiffanie Jean

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